Kenya – Thikagiki AB
€ 16.81 – € 100.89
Country: Kenya
Region: Kiriaini, Muranga
Station: Kiriaini
Altitude: 1700 m. a. s. l.
Varietal: SL 28, SL 34
Processing: washed
Taste: Vanilla, lime, rhubarb pie
Kávovarovna Kariaini Coffee Washing Station se nachází v regionu Nyeri v Keni a slouží přibližně 900 farmářům. Tato stanice má tři stálé zaměstnance. Typická velikost farem v této oblasti je kolem 1 hektaru, kde farmáři pěstují kávu společně s jinými plodinami, které jim zajišťují obživu.
Po odstranění dužiny jsou kávové třešně přesunuty do fermentačních nádrží, kde probíhá fermentace po dobu 14 až 18 hodin, v závislosti na aktuální teplotě prostředí. Následně je káva důkladně propláchnutá vodou, aby se odstranily všechny zbytky dužiny.
Poté jsou zrnka rovnoměrně rozložena na vyvýšené sušící postele, kde pomalu schne po dobu přibližně 12 až 20 dní. V nejteplejších obdobích se zakrývá stínícími sítěmi, aby byla zajištěna optimální rychlost sušení.
Odrůda SL34 je významnou kávovou odrůdou, která vznikla ve 30. letech 20. století díky výzkumu Scott Agricultural Laboratories v Keni. Tato odrůda, geneticky příbuzná s rodinou Typica-Arabica, vyniká svou schopností růst ve vysokých nadmořských výškách s dostatkem srážek, což jí umožňuje produkovat vysoké výnosy kvalitní kávy. Je ceněna pro svou komplexní chuť, která zahrnuje svěží citrusovou kyselost, plné tělo a čistý, sladký závěr.
Odrůda SL28 je jednou z nejznámějších kávových odrůd, která vznikla ve 30. letech 20. století díky výzkumu Scott Agricultural Laboratories v Keni. Tato odrůda byla vybrána pro svou vynikající odolnost vůči suchu a schopnost růst ve středních až vysokých nadmořských výškách, což ji činí ideální pro pěstování v různých klimatických podmínkách. Chuťový profil je velmi komplexní a výrazný, charakteristický vysokou kyselostí s tóny černého rybízu, bobulí a citrusů. Její tělo je šťavnaté a sladké, často s tropickými chutěmi.
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Countries: El Salvador and Ethiopia
Regions: Los Naranjos, Sonsonate, and Jimma, Oromia
Processing stations: Renacer and Beshasha
Altitude: 1450 and 2040 m.a.s.l.
Varieties: Mixed varieties and Heirloom varieties (indigenous Ethiopian varieties)
Processing: Washed
Taste profile: full creamy body, milk chocolate, and floral aromas
Full creamy body, milk chocolate, and floral aromas. You can expect all this from our espresso blend Mother Ship. It will be a pleasure to work with it both in the cafe and at home. It is a great base for your milk drinks, but at the same time, it will not disappoint any fan of pure espresso.
It is a mixture of two coffees from countries with completely different taste profiles – El Salvador and Ethiopia. Both coffees bring the best of their origins to the cup, and together, they create a wonderfully balanced taste that lacks nothing.
Country: Peru
Location: Snto Tomas, Cutervo, Cajamarca
Owner: Elmer and Veronica Mego
Altitude: 1700 – 1900 m.a.s.l.
Variety: Catuai, Catimor
Processing: washed
Taste profile: Fruit tea, plums, milk chocolate
Country: Indonesia
Region: Pegasing
Processing station: Team Pegasing
Altitude: 1300-1500 masl
Variety: Tim Tim & Gayo 1
Processing: anaerobic natural
Taste profile: milk chocolate, red apple, oolong
Anaerobic fermentation is just one of the ten processing methods carried out by the producer Hendra of Pegasing station. The beans were grown at high altitudes by the best farmers in the area, fermented in plastic bags for 48 hours, and then dried on raised beds for 20 days.
Country: El Salvador
Region: Calzontes Arriba
Farm: La Reforma
Altitude: 1300 – 1400 m a.s.l.
Variety: SL 28
Processing: natural
Taste profile: yellow kiwi, dates, cacao
Our decaffeinated coffee tastes like a fresh orange cake, cane sugar, and white tea. It was processed naturally and then decaffeinated using natural sugar cane method. You can read more about this great method in the article on the blog here.
A cup of this coffee can easily become your pre-sleep ritual. Its name, ATUNKAA, translates to “sleep and sleepy dreams.”
Country: Colombia
Region: Piendamó, Cauca
Farm: Siruma Coffee Farms
Altitude: 1700-1900 m.a.s.l.
Variety: Castillo, Caturra, Colombia
Processing: natural – sugar cane decaf
Taste profile: orange cake, cane sugar, white tea
Country: Ethiopia
Region: Jimma, Oromia
Processing station: Beshasha
Altitude: 2040 m. a. s. l.
Variatal: heirloom
Processing: washed
Taste profile: black tea with lemon, peach jam
A typical washed coffee from Ethiopia, with a clean and tea-like flavor and pleasant citrus acidity that you can enjoy without overwhelming your palate. It has become our favorite morning ritual year after year.
Country: Kenya
Region: Kibugu, Embu
Station: Kii
Altitude: 1800 m. a. s. l.
Varietal: SL34, SL28
Processing: washed
Tasting notes: blackcurrant, gooseberry, black tea
Country: Ethiopia
Region: Jimma, Oromia
Processing station: Beshasha
Altitude: 2040 m. a. s. l.
Variatal: heirloom
Processing: washed
Taste profile: black tea with lemon, peach jam
A typical washed coffee from Ethiopia, with a clean and tea-like flavor and pleasant citrus acidity that you can enjoy without overwhelming your palate. It has become our favorite morning ritual year after year.
Country: Rwanda
Region: Rulindo district, Northern Province
Altitude: 1776 masl
Variety: Red Bourbon
Processing: washed
Taste profile: pineapple juice, dried physalis, nutmeg
In the heart of Africa, in the northern part of Rwanda, lies the Tumba processing station. The road from Kigali, the capital of Rwanda, to Tumba winds high up into the mountains, revealing a breathtaking landscape of vivid green hills dotted with farms as far as the eye can see. Hundreds of dedicated smallholder farmers bring ripe coffee cherries here for processing. The coffee they’ve harvested for us tastes like spicy pineapple juice.
Country: Ethiopia
Region: Wegida,Yirgacheffe
Farm: Gotiti
Producer: Eptah Speciality Coffee
Altitude: 2150 m.a.s.l.
Variety: Heirloom
Processing: natural
Taste profile: Blueberries, milk chocolate, sour cream
Country: Rwanda
Region: Rulindo district, Northern Province
Altitude: 1776 masl
Variety: Red Bourbon
Processing: washed
Taste profile: pineapple juice, dried physalis, nutmeg
In the heart of Africa, in the northern part of Rwanda, lies the Tumba processing station. The road from Kigali, the capital of Rwanda, to Tumba winds high up into the mountains, revealing a breathtaking landscape of vivid green hills dotted with farms as far as the eye can see. Hundreds of dedicated smallholder farmers bring ripe coffee cherries here for processing. The coffee they’ve harvested for us tastes like spicy pineapple juice.
Don’t know which filter coffee to choose? ☕
Maybe the sample box containing 5x60g of coffee can help you. Its contents are continuously updated according to the coffees currently available.
You can order the sample box for your home, invite your friends, and organize cupping. This can help you find out what coffee you like best and make ordering easier in the future. Or you can get it as a gift, wrapped in our coffee-world illustration bag.
You’ll soon learn how to make cupping at home on our blog.
Currently, our Sample Box consists of:
Peru – Marcelino
El Salvador – Los Angeles
Peru – Los Hermanos
Rwanda – Tumba
Kenya – Kii AA